Friday, November 11, 2011

Lupus (Auto Immune Disease)

Lupus: is an (inflammatory and autoimmune) disease of the connective tissue. It has been classified as an an autoimmune disease, since the body is attacking itself. Max Gerson, M.D. used a careful, very nourishing diet, including vegetables and vitamin mineral supplementation to eliminate lupus in his patients, but the diet had to be total or no progress was made .

All meat, dairy products, refined foods, gravy, fats, junk food, fried food, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, etc. had to be eliminated from the Gerson's diet, The diet had to be low in fat and salt (which helped weakened the kidneys).

Vegetable juice fast would be very helpful
Obtain enough rest and exercise
Echinacea, yucca, red clover, pau d'arco and goldenseal are very helpful herbs
A kidney and liver detox (cleansing) would be helpful
70% fresh food

Intake no other fats other than Flaxseed Oil

Do not eat sugar or products or high starch foods.
Avoid eggplant, tomatoes, tobacco, potatoes and bell peppers
Avoid stressful environments and situations

Parasites are associated with lupus.
Avoid penicillin, allergenic cosmetics,

Do not take
birth control pills; the intensify the lupus
corticosteroid drugs, they weaken the immune system

To find out more and how to eat healthy and to apply healthy lifestyle changes please email Coach M at thevital8@gmail.ocm

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Diabetics: Fiber is Your Friend

Do you know that any food void of fiber is a diabetics foe. Why? Food without fiber causes a rise in the blood sugar. We know food turns into sugar in the blood stream, however refined foods turns into sugar at a faster level than foods with fiber. Fiber on the other hand goes through the blood stream at slower pace and keeps the blood glucose at a even level without spiking it up. For more click on the link below.

Fiber is your friend because it prevents the glucose from going up. Fiber regulates the glucose level in the blood and keeps it normal.

What are foods that are void of fiber.
Refined, Enriched , White Rice, Bread, Pasta, Sugar, Juice, Sodas, Green Tea, Caffeinated Drinks, Alcohol, Sugary Cereals, Meats, Cakes, Chocolate, Cheese, Cows Milk, Ice cream etc. All these items causes you blood sugar to rise and worsen the diabetes.

Foods high in fiber: Whole Foods
Fruits, Grains,Vegetables, Legumes- Beans, Whole Grain Rice, Whole Wheat/Whole Grain Bred, Whole Wheat Pasta, Oat Meal, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes etc. Everyone of these items are great choices for Diabetics.

Warning: Fruits to be careful for banana and mango, they are okay to eat but not when they are over ripe or spotting (black spots) they are too sweet at the point.

If your glucose level are in the 200's and up you might have to lay off the fruits only for a short time.

For more info and meal plans to reverse diabetes email me at

Monday, August 1, 2011

Walking is like Medicine

Walking Can Lower Type II Diabetes

Walking is like medicine (free). It can do more than you can ever imagine.
Walking to exercise can and will lower your glucose (sugar) level.

Insulin is like a key, its job is to open the door (receptors) to go through. What happens in the body of a type II diabetic, is that it is able to produce insulin but for some reason the insulin can not enter the cells because doors(receptors) are sealed.

Why is are the doors sealed? A high fat diet. The fat in diet is what seals off the doors from opening . (hint) Get rid of all animal fat or lower it greatly and keep plant based fats.

So what can walking do. What walking does, it allows the doors (receptors) to open up so that the insulin can pass through, which causes the glucose level to become lower.

One hour of walking equals 5units of insulin! Walking will not only lower your glucose level but it will also bring down the weight. So walk everyday, outside its FREE.

Walking and a healthy diet will do miracles. To learn about diabetes, meal plans, reversal, or to purchase cookbook and health books, call Coach M at 770-374-0783 or email me at


Friday, July 29, 2011

Prostate Affliction

What Is the Prostate?

The prostate is a small gland in men that is part of the reproductive system. It's about the shape and size of a walnut. The prostate rests below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It surrounds part of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder. The prostate helps make semen, which carries sperm from the testicles when a man ejaculates.

Enlarged Prostate

As a man ages, the prostate can grow larger. When a man reaches the age of 40, the prostate gland might have increased from the size of a walnut to that of an apricot. By the time he reaches the age of 60, it might be the size of a lemon.

Because it surrounds part of the urethra, the enlarged prostate can squeeze the urethra. This causes problems in the passing of urine. Typically, these problems passing urine don't occur in men until they are age 50 or older. They can, though, occur earlier.

An enlarged prostate is also called benign (noncancerous) prostatic hyperplasia or BPH. Age and a family history of BPH are risk factors. Eight out of every 10 men eventually develop an enlarged prostate. About 90% of men over the age of 85 will have BPH. About 30% of men will find their symptoms bothersome.

Symptoms of an enlarged prostate may include:

  • trouble starting to urinate, or urinating freely
  • having to urinate frequently, particularly at night
  • feeling that the bladder is not empty after urinating
  • feeling a sudden urge to urinate
  • having to stop and start repeatedly while urinating
  • having to strain to urinate

To maintain prostate health, it is important for men who have early symptoms of BPH to see their doctor. BPH is a progressive disease. It can lead to serious, although rare, health problems, such as kidney or bladder damage.

Treatments include:

  • Watchful waiting. Patients who have an enlarged prostate but who are not suffering symptoms or whose symptoms are not bothersome may be advised by their doctor to merely get an annual checkup, which might include a variety of tests.
  • Making lifestyle changes. Changes could include stop drinking at night and before bedtime, especially drinks containing alcohol or caffeine, stay away from spicy foods. Decrease great or eliminate meat from diet. Exercise, such as walking is very good. Increase fruits, vegetables, legumes, raw nuts or seeds. Theses foods help build up immune system. Drink plenty of water only. Read your food labels.
  • Natural Treatment: Saw/Shrub palmetto & Pygeum Natural herb supplement you can by at any health food store. Abstain from sex while in treatment, especially masturbation since some studies show there is a link.
  • Natural Treatment2: If you are in pain do a sitz bath or a hip bath. Sit in tub of hot water ( caution not to burn you) just enough to cover our hip area then add turmeric herb. I t is what is use to season food. Sit a while till the pain go away that will help the inflammation. Add raw unsalted pumpkin seeds to your diet. Take Echinacea tea to boos you immune system
  • Myth: Having a lot of sex does not prevent prostate.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Asthma Attack- A Natural Way

Asthma is manifest by attacks of dyspnea (respiratory difficulty) accompanied by wheezing, cough, expectoration, and chest pressure. Asthma is the result of spasms and inflammation of the bronchial tubes, usually caused by allergic mechanism.

Certain foods and stresses can trigger an asthma attack. The following foods are:
Salty foods
Shell Fish
Brewer's Yeast
Royal Jelly
Milk ( all dairy products)
& for some certain Nuts

However there are certain foods that can contribute to reducing an asthma attack.
Such as:
Flax seed oil
Foods rich in vitamin A & E

What to do in case of an asthma attack?

Eating a raw onion can stop or relieve an asthma crisis because of its anti- allergic and bronchodilator properties. These effects last up to twelve hours. Inhaling the onion's essential oil is also a beneficial, and is more appropriate for little children.

Onio Syrup
Boil several slices of onion. After mashing them to a paste, add a few spoonfuls of honey.

To find out more on this topic please email me at

Monday, July 11, 2011

Can't Sleep- Insomnia

One of the 8 principals that is vital to your health is good night's rest. It is important for the following reasons: 1). It aids in healing of injuries, infections and other assaults on your body including stress and emotional traumas. 2). It strengthens your immune system which protect you from disease and also aids in adding length to your life.

So what's keeping America up?
Late night TV
Eating late
Stress: Thinking to much- if the brain is up so is the body.
Obesity: related to insomnia
Coffee, tea, sodas- anything caffeinated or sugary drinks
Taking nap during the day

What time should I go to bed?
For optimal health: No later than 10:00pm. The earlier you get up the earlier you need to sleep. I promise you feel great in the morning. Less Tired

What happens if I don't get enough sleep?
Cranky, easily irritable, frustrated
Can't focus
Diabetes and Highblood pressure are elevated
Higher risk to gain weight.
Mental Dullness
Higher risk for cancer (immune system)
Colds/ Flu

What can I do?
Exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day- Walking
Maintain a schedule for exercising eating, getting up and going to bed
Eat your last meal 4 hours before going to bed
Trying taking a warm bath prior to going to bed
Pass lavender oil around your neck and head ( couple of drops) before bed
Drink chamomile tea prior to go to bed
Turn off lights and including TV
Relax and think happy thoughts
Read your bible

How much do I need: Adults 7to 8 (Children 10-12 hrs So why are many American loosing sleep. rest. Your body heals between a certain time 12:00am -2:00am.

For more please email me at

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Drawbacks to Milk (COW)

We've seen the various commercials ("Drink Milk... and Milk does a body good". Does it? Although there are some benefits and nutrients, however the cons out way the pros. Besides all the benefits and nutrients found in milk can be found in other food sources. So what are the draw backs to drinking milk: Lactose intolerance, allergy, stomach problems to name a few.

Digestive disorders: irritable bowel, syndrome, hemorrhages, and others.

Anemia: due to the lack of iron found in milk as to the fact that its consumption may cause tiny intestinal hemorrhages leading to blood iron loss through the feces

Diseases Produces or Aggravated by Milk
Abdominal Pain
Gastroduodenal Ulcer
Intestinal hemorrhage
Diabetes (Type I & Type II)

Cancer: Lymphoma
Ovarian cancer
Prostrate cancer

What to do: Avoid cow's milk period (Whole milk, skim milk, 1% , 2% (avoid it ).
Drink in place of ( Soy milk rice milk, hemp milk, almond milk cashew milk.

To learn more how and why milk is problematic or how to make your own milk email me at

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Healing through forgiveness: Negative emotions such as un-forgiveness, anger, grief, worry, fear sadness, anxiety, discontent, depression, distrust, and guilt are type of stresses. If these emotions are kept (in the heart and mind) they all tend to break down life forces and invite death and decay. These emotions effect different organs of the body: (The heart, liver, the bone marrow, the blood cells , and stomach) all these mentioned play a vital role in your immune system. If your immune system is weak or compromised so is your health. These emotions triggers many sicknesses that may be or may not be a weakness in your gene through hereditary.. and also opens the doors to sickness not even your doctor can explain.

Plato says "the greatest mistake a physician makes is trying to cure the body with out curing the mind".

Ellen G. White says "The relation that exist between the mind and the body is very intimate When one is affected the other sympathizes. (Ministry of Healing) pg. 77

Healing: Let Go... Forgive have courage, faith, sympathy, love, laughter which promotes health and prolongs health. "A merry heart doth good like medicine " Proverbs 17:22
To learn more how to heal from forgivenss and more email me at

Friday, July 8, 2011


Constipation: Big Problem! If its not coming out, you have to wonder...where is it going? Bad breath rings a bell? It also goes through the blood stream and hangs out in different organs of body leading to various and serious health problems such as but not limited to diverticulosis and cancer of the colon .

Signs: not going to the toilet daily at least two to three times depending how many times you are eating.

Symptoms: Coated tongue, foul breath back ache, headache, mental dullness, depression insomnia, loss of appetite, and various pains.

Treatment: Take an enema for three days once a day. Drink plenty of water at least up to four cups in the morning and one out the four should be warm. Eat foods with fiber such as fruits grains, legumes and vegetables. Exercise daily (walking helps massage the stomach and tone). You can Senna or (Smooth Move Tea) for three days on a raw fruit or vegetable fast.
Do not eat and drink at same meal, drink 15 to 30 minutes before and and up two hours after eating. To find out more and for a meal plan and proper diet email me at

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Vital 8 Heart

Vital 8 Heart

8 Laws, 8 Rules, 8 Ways to a better heart!

Drink Pure Water
Healthy Balance Life
Eat Whole Foods
Adeqate Sunlight
FResh Air &

Gluten Allergies

HEALTH: CELIAC is an allergy to foods that contain gluten such as wheat, barley, spelt, bulgur, rye and for some oats are also a problem. Symptoms: diarrhea, bloating, constipation, small bumps on the face, & dry skin or skin allergies. If you have MS, Arthritis, Graves Disease, Chrons Disease, Autism, ADD, stay away from these foods. Food s that you can have in place of is; millet, quinoa, brown rice, and cornmeal. Also availalbe are brown rice pasta for pasta lover and Millet and Brown Rice bread for all you bread lovers. For more info email me: