Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Breast Lift, and Stretch Marks Removed

Horsetail is good for:

Skin wrinkles and stretch marks, produced by ageing, obesity or sudden weight loss, pregnancy, muscular tension, etc., it improves skin appearance, and gives it a smooth elastic appearance, both taken orally and applied in problem area as compresses.
Fragil nails,
Breast flaccidity, when applied as compresses on the breast, it strengthens and tones the tissues. This effects is improved when also taking a decoction (as a tea).
Varicose uclerations ,
Osteoporosis, and more.

Horsetail is rich in silicon, a trace element which promotes regeneration of skin bone tissues. Compresses soaked in a horsetail decoction are useful for cellulitis or obesity, since they improve skin flaccidity, giving it a smooth, elastic appearance.

When the horsetail is applied as a compress, a decoction of horsetail gives strength to breast tissues. This action is improved when ingesting the liquid of this decoction.

The horsetail can be applied two ways, internally (drink in tea form) and two externally. Apply tea in a gauze or thin towel to target area. Please feel free to leave a comment or question.

The information is found in Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants pg. 705. This book includes over 400 illnesses and health concerns and the herbs that aid.

To purchase this book contact me at 770 -374-0783. You can buy this herb at your local health food store.

These are suggestions, proper diet should also be practiced in addition.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Healthy on a BUDGET

People are always saying how expensive it is to eat healthy. Well there might be some truth to that, but aren't you worth it. You are the only you, you got. However, there is a solution on eating healthy on a budget and it is my previledge to share some options and tips with you.

Keep it simple the more you stick to eating simple the less money you will spend. Many times we go grocery shopping we by items that we don't really need, that we can do without, or are just not healthy. Instead of buying juice and sodas, stick to water, you just saved a couple of dollars there. Stay away from junk foods such as chips, cookies and pastries. Stick to buying non-name brand items. In regards to those who still eat meat buy smaller amounts and use the left over money for more fruits and vegetables. Your most expensive items usually are your produce like certain fruits and vegetables ( try buying your produce at a farmmers market if at all possiable.

I called these staple foods!
Pick food that are filling that will keep you full and not hungry in a hour or two.
Here are a list of a few food items that are inexpensive or and filling:

Oatmeal -I am not a fan of oatmeal but you can definitely make your own granola
Brown Rice
Whole wheat pastas
Can tomato Sauce
Beans (All of them)
Whole Wheat bread or you can make your own
Frozen Vegetables: Corn, spinach, cauliflower, etc.- If you can not afford fresh do frozen, can items are for stick to buying can items w/ no salt
Un-buttered popcorn, beware of too much salt
Corn chips (optional)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Natural Breast Lift, Wrinkle Free, & Stretch Mark Removable

The truth they don't want you to know about "Horse Tail"
Stay tune to find out more on getting a natural breast lift, to get wrinkle free, and stretch marks removed.

Horsetail is good for:
Skin wrinkles and stretch marks, produced buy ageing, obesity or sudden weight loss, pregnancy, muscular tension, etc., it improves skin appearance, and gives it a smooth elastic appearance, both taken orally and applied in problem area as compresses.
Fragil nails,
Breast flaccidity, when applied as compresses on the breast, it strengthens and tones the tissues. This effects is improved when also taking a decoction (as a tea).
Varicose uclerations ,
Osteoporosis, and more.

Horsetail is rich in silicon, a trace element which promotes regeneration of skin bone tissues. Compresses soaked in a horsetail decoction are useful for cellulitis or obesity, since they improve skin flaccidity, giving it a smooth, elastic appearance.

When the horsetail is applied as a compress, a decoction of horsetail gives strength to breast tissues. This action is improved when ingesting the liquid of this decoction.

The horsetail can be applied two ways, internally (drink in tea form) and two externally. Apply tea in a gauze or thin towel to target area.

Please feel leave a comment or question.

The information is found in Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants pg. 705. This book includes over 400 illnesses and health concerns and the herbs that aid. To purchase this book contact me at 770 -374-0783.

You can buy this herb at your local health food store.

These suggestion, proper diet should also be practiced in addition.

Food Substitution

You can find substitutions for some of your favorite food in our cook books. Three wonderful cookbooks with recipes for familiar dairy items, condiments and protein substitutes are: Tasty Vegan Delights, 7 Secrets and Optimal Diet. Call Mericia Appolon to purchase these books @ 770-374-0783,


Dairy Cheese Sliceable Cheese 7 Secrets (7S) – pg 73
Simple Cheese Sauce 7S pg. 26
Almond Cheese Optimal Diet (OD) 54
Parmesan Cheese Nondairy Parmesan 7S 67
Mock Parmesan Tasty Vegan (TV) 97
Alfredo Sauce Alfredo Sauce (OD) 54
Alfredo Cheese Sauce (TV) 97
Sour Cream Tofu Sour Cream 7S 58/TV 73
Sunflower Sour Cream TV 73
Cream Cheese Cream Cheese Spread 7S 74
Cashew Almond Cheese TV 97
Mayonnaise Simple Mayonnaise 7S 57
Creamy Mayonnaise 7S 57
Tofu Mayonnaise TV 73
Soy Mayonnaise TV 74
Store Bought Salad Dressings Oil Free Salad Dressings TV 74 – 75
Ranch-Style Dressing 7S 57
Raspberry Dressing 7S 60
Lemon Dill Dressing OD 99
Hummus 2 OD 63
Whipped Topping Whipped Topping 7S 99
Tofu Whipped Cream TV 126
Carob Whipped Topping TV 126
Yogurt Strawberry Tofu Yogurt TV 32
Butter Millet Butter TV 76
Garlic Spread TV 76
Simple Butter 7S 56
Mustard Mock Mustard TV 76
Ketchup Ketchup TV 75
Ketchup OD 64
Pickle Relish Refrigerator Pickles TV 53 & 54
Barbecue Sauce Barbecue Sauce TV 62
Tarter Sauce Tarter Sauce TV 73
Burger Crumbles Walnut Wheat Crumbles TV 40
Bulgur Burger 7S 35
Cinnamon Coriander
Cinnamon Substitute TV 91

Foods to Add

Add in place of refined foods
Whole grain rice
Whole wheat pasta
Whole grain bread (wheat, rye, millet, spelt, kamut, oats, etc.)
Whole grain flour (wheat, rye, millet, spelt, kamut, oats, etc.)

Add for in place of milk
Soy, rice, or amlond milk

Add in place of butter
Olive oil, smart balance or earth balance or check our cook book to make your own

Add in place of sugar
Maple syrup, honey, dried fruits

Add in place of chocolate

Add in place of meat
Tofu, or check our cook book to make your own loaf, burgers etc.

Add in place of cheese
Check our website and or our cook books to make your own cheese

Add All
Legumes (beans)

There is almost a substitute for what you like to eat but shouldn't in our cook book, to find out more email me at

Food to Eliminate

Refined foods such as,
White rice
Refined pasta
White flour
White/Brown Sugar

Cow's Milk
Ice cream

Eliminate Add
Crab, Shrimp, Pork, Lobster, Catfish, Beef

Reduce or Eliminate

Eliminate Add
Coffee Water (8 to 10 cups)
Caffinated beverages & teas
Fruit juices (loaded with sugar
Black pepper
Spicy foods
Fast foods
Fried fods

Sample Lunch Plan

Salad: (Leafy green salad w/ cucumber dressing)

Steamed Cabbage ½ of the plate

Whole Grain Rice and Beans ¼ of the plate

Nut or Bean Loaf ¼ of the plate

Recipes for nut, grain and bean loaves can be found in the following cookbooks:
Tasty Vegan Delight, Seven Secrets, Optimal Diet cook book, and Foods with their Healing Power vol. 3.
To order cook books for weight lost and tasty meals call 770-374-0783

Natrual Gastric By Pass Surgery

The truth they didn't want you to know about pineapple and sweet potato!

Sample Breakfast Plan

Eating in the order of digestion.

1st: Eat 3-5 servings of fruits
example: a banana would be considered 2 servings
a small apple would be considered 1 serving
a cup grapes would be considered 1 serving

2nd: Whole Grain Cereal w/ soy, rice, or almond milk & sweetened w/ dried fruits (1 to 2 cups)
2 Tablespoon of flax seed freshly grounded can be sprinkled over cereal at breakfast.

3rd: One Slice of toasted whole grain bread (wheat, spelt, kamut, oats, etc. w/ almond butter, or peanut butter, or cashew butter, or tahini to add on bread.

4th: A handful of Raw Nuts or Seeds ¾ cup


Tips on dropping the pounds!

First thing to do upon arising drink a least
.One cup of water
.Secondly, drink one cup of water with fresh lemon juice
. Always drink liquids, perferrably water 15 minutes before eating a meal
.Never skip breakfast
.Eat a large breakfast, and always start by having fruits first
.Always wait 2hrs after a meal to drink liquids, perferrably water
·Wait 5to 6 hrs after each meal before having the next meal
.Do not snack in between meals
.Eat a healthy and filling lunch and always start with a salad
.Eat a very light supper no later than 7:oop.m.
·Eat like a king or queen for breakfast and prince or princess for lunch and pauper (poor person) for dinner.
.Excercise 1hour minimum per day: speed walking and light weights for toning
.Go to bed at a decent hour, perferrably no later than 10:00p.m.

To find out more please email me at or post your comment or question. Thank You,
Coach, Mericia

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Recipies/ Mac & Cheese

Mac & Cheese
Boil 14 cups of water
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups macaroni
Rinse the macaroni in cold water and put in a casserole dish
Chesse Sauce Recipe

Put the following recipe in a blender and blend till creamy about 2 minutes
1 cup raw cashews
1 cup water
2 tablespoon raw sesame seeds
Add in the blender as needed for smooth blending (1cup)
Now add the remainder of the ingredients to the blender and blend till smooth
1/3 cup chopped sweet red bell peppers
2/3cup of nutritional yeast flakes
1/4 teaspoon celery salt
1/2 teaspoon garlic salt
1 teaspoon onion salt
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Mix well. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or thoroughly heated.
To order cook book and attain more recipes contact us at or 770-374-0783

CREATING A HEALTHIER YOU!: What about weight loss diets?!

CREATING A HEALTHIER YOU!: What about weight loss diets?!

What about weight loss diets?!

Every year Americans are faced with a new diet fad promising to show fast weight lose results, such as the cookie diet, south beach diet, lemon diet, diet pills etc. To many people fall prey to these diet fads and eating plans that promise quick results. Like a conditioned reflex, extra pounds spell d-i-e-t to most people. Although they are some results in the beginging, however after the diet is over, the weight comes back and even doubles, not to mention the health risks that appears as result of some of these diet fads.

Survey Says:
A recent survey found that 40 to 50 percent Americans between ages of 35 and 59 were on some kind of diet at any given time. Up to 90% of dieters regain their lost weight within a year, usually with a bonous. Constantly losing and regaining weight is frustrating and demoralizing, and does more damage than good. What about weight loss diets?


Hello and Greetings to all who are venturing to make it your business to be Fit and Fine. My name is Mericia Apppolon, I am a Lifestyle Health Coach. I have traveled nation wide teaching and consulting individuals on how to be fit and fine mentally, physically and spirtually. I am excited to share what I have learned over the pass years of what works and what does not when it comes to shedding the pounds and beig fit. While most people only teach people how to lose weight, I teach how to lose the weight, keep it off, and stay healthy. So get ready to knock thier socks off... by creating a healthier you!

This is your year to reach your health and weight loss goal. Be excited, be motivated, be ambitous, and take action. I tell all my clients "you are the only you, you got." While everyone can replace you, you can't! Your health is your wealth.