Friday, November 11, 2011

Lupus (Auto Immune Disease)

Lupus: is an (inflammatory and autoimmune) disease of the connective tissue. It has been classified as an an autoimmune disease, since the body is attacking itself. Max Gerson, M.D. used a careful, very nourishing diet, including vegetables and vitamin mineral supplementation to eliminate lupus in his patients, but the diet had to be total or no progress was made .

All meat, dairy products, refined foods, gravy, fats, junk food, fried food, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, etc. had to be eliminated from the Gerson's diet, The diet had to be low in fat and salt (which helped weakened the kidneys).

Vegetable juice fast would be very helpful
Obtain enough rest and exercise
Echinacea, yucca, red clover, pau d'arco and goldenseal are very helpful herbs
A kidney and liver detox (cleansing) would be helpful
70% fresh food

Intake no other fats other than Flaxseed Oil

Do not eat sugar or products or high starch foods.
Avoid eggplant, tomatoes, tobacco, potatoes and bell peppers
Avoid stressful environments and situations

Parasites are associated with lupus.
Avoid penicillin, allergenic cosmetics,

Do not take
birth control pills; the intensify the lupus
corticosteroid drugs, they weaken the immune system

To find out more and how to eat healthy and to apply healthy lifestyle changes please email Coach M at thevital8@gmail.ocm