Monday, March 19, 2012

Chron's Disease Treatment

Patients with Crohn's disease should be on a diet having no free fats, but one providing plenty of essential fatty acids through the use of grains, legumes, and nuts if these foods can be tolerated.(20)

The intestinal flora may be changed in order that toxic products will not be produced. In order to do that, the diet must be such that refuse left in the colon will not cause putrefaction. All animal products should be eliminated, as they tend to putrefy in the colon. The colon must be kept empty by the use of high residue foods, enemas, and the application of brief cold compresses to the abdomen. Laxatives must be strictly eliminated as they cause congestion and irritation. Since the residue of breakfast will be found in the colon within seven to nine hours after breakfast is eaten, it is best for the colon to be cleansed of breakfast before lying down to sleep at 10:00 P.M. Ideally the bowels should move after each meal and should have about the consistency of soft ice cream. A formed stool is always an evidence of stagnation in the bowel. The toxic materials produced from these residues are capable of causing much suffering. If necessary, these patients should have enemas twice a day. The enema should be at about 115°F, and from one to two quarts may be used at a time. High temperatures are stimulating to the lining membranes and promote health. High temperatures also relieve pain. A water temperature of 120°F will discourage bleeding by the same principle that "hot lap packs" are used in surgery to discourage diffuse bleeding, as from a torn liver. Burning of tissues will not occur below 123°F.

The use of liberal quantities of complex carbohydrates such as found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is of such a character as to promote a luxurious growth of aerobic flora. Dextrinized grains are most efficient for this purpose. Grains may be dextrinized prior to the cooking process in cereals or breads, etc. and bread may be made into melba toast by putting whole wheat bread slices directly on the oven rack, turning the oven on at its lowest possible temperature setting, and allowing the bread to dry out for several hours.

Sunbaths should be taken when possible, exposing the entire skin surface, which helps to increase resistance and to develop immunity. Plenty of water should be taken by mouth to encourage proper cleansing of the blood and the gastrointestinal tract.

A bland, low-fat diet should be instituted. All foods should be chewed well, or mashed with a fork, or pureed in a blender. We especially recommend avoiding milk, most particularly cheese. We advise abolishing all foods that have been highly milled. There should be no free-fats, no fried foods, no sugar, and no extremely hot or cold foods. Avoid any gas-forming foods such as cabbage, corn, certain greens, pickles, relishes of all kinds, skins of apples and potatoes, and legumes. It is well to try an elimination diet to determine if one is sensitive to any group of the most common foods causing sensitivity: milk and all dairy products including whey products, sodium lactate, sodium caseinate, and all other milk residues; coffee, tea, colas, and chocolate; citrus fruits and juices; corn, wheat, and rice (may use oatmeal and millet); all other animal products (pork, eggs, beef, fish, chicken, etc.); strawberries, apples, lettuce, cane sugar, onion, garlic, nuts, peanuts, alcohol and beer, yeast, tomatoes, potatoes, and tobacco).

Two meals a day are preferable to three, as proper digestion and assimilation are more important to maintain good nutrition than is the quantity of food taken or the number of meals eaten. No spices or food additives, dyes, colorings, conditioners, or other additives are allowed. The principal foods should be fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Anything added to the food should be looked at with great suspicion.

EXERCISE is excellent and should include walking and gardening if these are available. There should be strict avoidance of all drugs, as drugs almost invariably irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Drugs generally fail to accomplish any striking therapeutic results.(21) It is not necessary to take acidophilis bacteria, as these do no apparent good.

The long-term use of corticosteroids is contraindicated. Antidiarrheal medications cause narrowing of the small bowel and can result in obstruction. Surgery for Crohn's disease should be avoided except in the treatment of life-threatening complications. At least 50% of patients can date the onset of rapid progression of the disease and worsening of their symptoms to their first operation.(22)

To find out more and for proper diet, meal plans, herbs and lifestyle regiment that includes exercise call us at 305-396-1571 or email us

Acta Hepato Gastroenterology, 26:257-259, 1979.
Modern Medicine, February-March, 1980, page 23.
Beeson and McDermott. Textbook of Medicine. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 15th Edition, p. 1560.
South African Medical Journal, 47:1400-1406, August 11, 1973.
The New England Journal of Medicine, 289:1099-1103, 1973.
British Medical Journal, July 10, 1976, page 87.
Hepato-Gastroenterology, 26:257-259, 1979.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 32:1898-1901, 1979.
British Medical Journal, September 29, 1929.
Digestion, 20:323-326, 1980.
British Medical Journal, April 9, 1977, page 929.
Southern Medical Journal, 71(8):935-948, August 1978.
British Medical Journal, June 11, 1977.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 24:1608-1673, September 1971.
Psychosomatic Medicine, 32:153-166, 1970.
Gastroenterology, 69:618, 1975.
Lancet, 2215, 1976.
Journal of American Medical Association, 236:2213, November 8, 1976.
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